When we finally got face-to-face with Father Will,
Dave wasn't quite sure what to make of all this!!
But the smiles started coming as we all got ready
for the big ceremony
The Stutz family was there in force with Brian, Karla, and Tyrel
Toomer, Stella Stutz, Rob Stutz, and Shari Stutz
The Wagners all showed up as well, with Kevin, Carla, and Nathan
Regan, Billy Wagner, Barb and Bill Wagner, Jennifer Posma, and Mark Wagner
Rob and Carla, as best man and maid of honor, got things
started on the right foot
And Tyrel chipped in as well,
dropping off the ring and slapping
Rob five!!
Everybody started tearing up as we recited our vows
(even though Dave forgot a line)
And Father Will laid a final blessing on to
make it all official...
Mr. and Mrs. Stutz (or just plain old
"Dave and Susan") were all ready to
face the world as an official couple!!
Of course, we first had to brave
the gauntlet of birdseed!
But we were aptly rewarded with
a fantastic reception dinner
Then it was off for champage, cake, and some good old-fashioned
plate breaking!!
According to Greek tradition, the bride has to break the plate
on her first try for
the marriage to have good luck. Amid many a cry of "Opa!!" Susan
that sucker to smithereens!
Everyone got into the action
And the rest is history...